OCD Center of Los Angeles

Serving the community since 1999

In-Person and Online Therapy
Individual & Group Therapy

Specializing in the Treatment of OCD and
Related Anxiety Based Conditions


OCD and Anxiety Links

The OCD Center of Los Angeles provides specialized Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) for those suffering with Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) and related anxiety based conditions.  Among the services we provide are:

If you would like to discuss treatment options or schedule an initial assessment, please call the OCD Center of Los Angeles at (310) 824-5200 (ext. 4), or click here to email us.

For additional information, you may visit some of the websites listed below. This list of links will connect you to over 75 organizations, hospital-based treatment programs, OCD support groups, and treatment providers specializing in Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy across the U.S, and around the world. Please note that being listed on this set of links does not constitute an endorsement or referral.


There are numerous non-profit organizations dedicated to disseminating information related to the understanding and treatment of OCD, OC Spectrum Disorders, and related anxiety disorders. Below are some of the best organizations in the USA, Canada, England, Europe, Australia, and New Zealand.



England and Ireland


Australia and New Zealand

Hospital and University-Based Treatment Programs

Experts agree that the great majority of individuals with OCD can almost always be treated successfully with weekly Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy sessions. The key is to find a qualified therapist trained in the “Exposure and Response Prevention” techniques that are the cornerstone of effective treatment. However, there are some individuals for whom the disorder is so disabling that intensive, hospital-based treatment is recommended. Most of the following medical centers are affiliated with major universities, and each offers intensive day-treatment and/or residential programs for those with severe, treatment-resistant OCD, OC Spectrum Disorders, and/or related anxiety disorders. Additionally, many of these programs also conduct research, and are often looking for individuals willing to participate in studies related to these disorders.

Click here to email the OCD Center
or call us at 310 824-5200

Private Clinics and Individual Psychotherapists

As noted above, most individuals with OCD, OC Spectrum Disorders, and related anxiety disorders can be successfully treated with weekly outpatient psychotherapy with a qualified cognitive-behavioral therapist. Below are the websites for some therapists across the country specializing in cognitive-behavioral therapy for these disorders. Please note that being recognized on this list is not an endorsement or a referral.

OCD Advocacy and Coaching

There are a number of people who have OCD who offer peer support and coaching services to others who are struggling with this condition. They can help you by providing accurate information about effective, evidence-based treatment modalities, OCD treatment providers, other OCD resources that may be of benefit to you.

Support Groups

The following are support groups that have websites. Please note that these support groups may be un-moderated, and that some of them may be discontinued.

About the OCD Center of Los Angeles

The OCD Center of Los Angeles is a private outpatient treatment center specializing in Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) for the treatment of OCD and related conditions. We have 13 therapists on staff, all of whom are either licensed or registered, and all of whom specialize in CBT.  We treat adults, adolescents, and children, and offer services six days a week, including evenings and Saturdays.

We have 3 Southern California offices located in:

  • Brentwood
  • Pasadena
  • Newport Beach

You can learn more about Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD), related anxiety based conditions we treat, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), our center, and our approach to treatment on our website at https://ocdla.com.

If you would like more information regarding telephone or online therapy, or would like to discuss individual therapy, group therapy, online therapy, or intensive treatment at the OCD Center of Los Angeles, please call one of our client coordinators at (310) 824-5200 (ext. 4), or click here to email us.


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Online therapy for OCD, Anxiety Disorders, and BFRBs

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