Serving the community since 1999

Specializing in OCD and related conditions

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Specializing in the Treatment of OCD and
Related Anxiety Based Conditions


OCD Test

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) is a condition in which an individual experiences obsessions (repetitive, unwanted thoughts, ideas, or images), and/or performs compulsions (repetitive behaviors) in an effort to avoid or decrease the anxiety created by these obsessions.

The OCD Center of Los Angeles offers this free and confidential test to help you get a better idea of whether or not you are exhibiting signs of Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD). Simply check those items that apply to you, and email the test to us using the simple form below. While this OCD test is not meant to replace a thorough evaluation, it may help in identifying traits of Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD).

1.  I wash my hands or shower more often, or for longer periods of time, than most other people.

2.  I have, and regularly use, hand sanitizers, anti-bacterial wipes or other special cleaners.

3.   I prefer to avoid close contact with people (i.e., shaking hands, sitting next to people in theatres, hugging, kissing, sexual activity).

4.  I avoid contact with everyday objects that most other people have no difficulty touching (e.g., clothes, underwear, socks, money, ATM machines, bed sheets, towels, household items, furniture, school books, pens, shoes, etc.).

5.  I excessively clean everyday objects (e.g., clothes, underwear, socks, money, bed sheets, towels, household items, furniture, school books, pens, shoes, my car interior, etc.).

6.  I repeatedly check, either visually or manually, to be sure that I have properly performed a just-completed task (e.g., looking to be sure I have signed a check, re-opening a mailbox to be sure I have deposited a letter, etc.).

7.  I often count when doing routine behaviors (e.g., locking doors, turning off light switches, turning off stove burners, etc.), and must continue counting until it feels ‘right’ or ‘OK’ (or until I reach a certain number).

8.  I often repeat routine behaviors (e.g., locking doors, turning off light switches, turning off stove burners, etc.) because I am not sure that I have done these behaviors or done them “just right”.

9.  I frequently ask others for reassurance that tasks have been properly completed (e.g., Did I close the garage door? or Did you lock up the house when we left?” etc.).

10.  I frequently straighten, arrange, order, or tidy common household objects (i.e., window blinds, rugs, the contents of my desk, closets, cabinets, refrigerator, bookshelves, etc.), in an effort to make them symmetrical or “just right”?

11.  I repeatedly count mundane items that do not really merit counting (e.g., ceiling tiles, floor tiles, books, CDs, clothes, light poles, cars, words, letters, etc.)?

12.  I often have repetitive, intrusive, unwanted thoughts or images in my mind that upset me or make me anxious, and I can’t get them out of my mind no matter how much I try.

13.  I frequently worry excessively about purposely acting in a manner that is harmful or violent (i.e. stabbing or shooting someone).

14.  I often worry excessively about accidentally harming someone (i.e., running over a pedestrian or poisoning my children).

15.  I excessively worry that I will be indirectly responsible for something bad occurring (i.e., “If I don’t pick up this trash, someone may slip on it and break their neck and it will be my fault”).

16.  I frequently worry that, if I don’t perform certain superstitious behaviors, bad things will occur and it will be my fault (i.e. needing to knock on wood, cross my legs a certain way, etc. in order to prevent mom from dying).

17.  I often need to count to a certain number when doing certain behaviors to ensure that bad things do not occur.

18.  I worry excessively about my sexual orientation, and am very upset by these thoughts.

19.  I worry excessively that I do not really love, or am not really attracted to my spouse or partner.

20.  I worry excessively about acting in a manner that is sexually inappropriate or illegal (i.e., molesting children, committing incest, committing bestiality).

21.  I worry excessively about offending God or acting in a manner that is counter to my religious beliefs or is sacrilegious.

22.  I often avoid certain people, places, objects, or situations in an effort to ensure that I will not have unwanted thoughts about things which I consider harmful, violent, sexually inappropriate, immoral, or sacrilegious.

23.  I often recite prayers or repeat certain phrases in an effort to rid myself of unwanted thoughts or to ensure that nothing bad happens.

24.  I often repeat routine, daily activities to ensure that I did not harm someone (e.g., driving back to a certain place in the road to reassure myself that I did not run over a pedestrian).

25.  I repeatedly ask others for reassurance that I have not done something “wrong,” “bad,” or inappropriate, harmful, immoral, or sacrilegious.

26.  I excessively think about normal bodily experiences (i.e., blinking, swallowing, breathing, digesting, sleeping, hearing sounds), and am upset that I cannot control these thoughts.

27.  I am significantly distressed, anxious, and/or depressed about my obsessions and compulsions.

28.  My obsessions and compulsions are interfering with my relationships and/or with my academic or professional functioning.

29. Hours per day having obsessions and/or doing compulsions:

30.  The primary focus of my obsessions and compulsions is:


Please note: By sending this email, you are agreeing to be contacted by the OCD Center of Los Angeles. We respect your privacy and confidentiality and we will never share, sell, rent, loan, or give away your name, email address, or any other personal information to anyone.

If you would like more information about OCD, or would like to discuss individual therapy, group therapy, online therapy, or intensive treatment at the OCD Center of Los Angeles, you can call us at (310) 824-5200, or click here to email us.

This questionnaire was developed partly on the basis of clinical experience of staff therapists at the OCD Center of Los Angeles, and partly as an adaptation of various pre-existing psychometric measures, including the Yale-Brown Obsessive-Compulsive Scale (YBOCS). Please note that the above test is not meant to replace a complete and thorough evaluation by a licensed Cognitive-Behavioral therapist or other qualified mental health professional. Some individuals may benefit from medication, and may therefore benefit from a psychiatric evaluation. Likewise, a psychiatric assessment may be necessary to differentiate between OCD and other psychological conditions. If an evaluation is indicated, the OCD Center of Los Angeles can refer you to a qualified psychiatrist in our area. Furthermore, it is imperative to make the distinction between OCD and other medical conditions. For this reason, in some cases, a medical examination may be a necessary part of OCD treatment.


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