OCD Center of Los Angeles

Serving the community since 1999

In-Person and Online Therapy
Individual & Group Therapy

Specializing in the Treatment of OCD,
Panic Disorder, and Related Conditions


Panic Disorder Test

Panic Disorder is an excessive fear of having a panic attack, often to the extent of modifying one’s activities in an effort to avoid situations and/or places in which one fears the possibility of experiencing a panic attack.

The OCD Center of Los Angeles offers this free and confidential test to help you get a better idea of whether or not you are exhibiting signs of Panic Disorder. Simply check those items that apply to you, and email the test to us using the simple form below. While this Panic Disorder test is not meant to replace a thorough evaluation, it may help in identifying traits of Panic Disorder.

1.  I sometimes have episodes in which I suddenly feel very anxious or fearful for no apparent reason.

2.  I sometimes have episodes in which I suddenly feel that my heart is racing uncontrollably or that I can’t breathe.

3.  I sometimes have episodes in which I suddenly feel dizzy or like I might faint.

4.  I sometimes feel as if I am detached from my body.

5.  I sometimes feel like I am detached from reality.

6.  When I get anxious and panicky, sometimes I am afraid that I am losing my mind or that I am schizophrenic.

7.  When I get anxious and panicky, I am sometimes afraid that I am going to have a heart attack or that I am going to die.

8.  On at least one occasion, I have gone to the emergency room or to my doctor because I was afraid I was having a heart attack, and learned that my heart was fine.

9.  I am very afraid of having panic attacks, but this fear does not result in me avoiding situations where I think I might have one.

10.  I am very afraid of having panic attacks, and I avoid certain places and/or activities (i.e., certain restaurants, movie theatres, concerts, sporting events, parties, weddings, shopping malls, street festivals, etc.) because I am afraid I might have a panic attack.

11.  I often avoid flying because I am afraid that I will have a panic attack.

12. I often avoid driving on freeways because I am afraid that I will have a panic attack.

13.  When driving, I often need to limit myself to certain streets because I am afraid I will have a panic attack if I drive on different streets.

14.  I am no longer able to drive at all.

15.  When in a car, I must be the driver.

16.   When driving, there are only certain people with whom I am willing to drive.

17.  I am unable to go most places because I am afraid I will have a panic attack.

18.  I sometimes avoid leaving my house because I am afraid that I will have a panic attack.

19.  I am completely unable to leave my house because I am afraid I will have a panic attack.

20.  If I go to a crowded area with seating (i.e., classrooms, movie theatres, concerts, sporting events), I usually need to sit in an aisle seat so that I will be able to quickly exit if I have a panic attack.

21.  I avoid exercising because I am afraid it will cause me to have a panic attack.

22.  I am significantly distressed, anxious, and/or depressed about the possibility of experiencing a panic attack.

23.  My concern about experiencing panic attacks is interfering with my relationships and/or with my academic or professional functioning.

24. I spend  hours per day avoiding certain places or situations in an effort to avoid having a panic attack.

25. I worry most about having a panic attack in the following places or situations: 


Please note: By sending this email, you are agreeing to be contacted by the OCD Center of Los Angeles. We respect your privacy and confidentiality and we will never share, sell, rent, loan, or give away your name, email address, or any other personal information to anyone.

If you would like more information about Panic Disorder or would like to discuss individual therapy, group therapy, online therapy, or intensive treatment at the OCD Center of Los Angeles, you can call us at (310) 824-5200, or click here to email us.

This questionnaire was developed partly on the basis of clinical experience of staff therapists at the OCD Center of Los Angeles, and partly as an adaptation of various pre-existing psychometric measures, including the Burns Anxiety Scale. Please note that the above test is not meant to replace a complete and thorough evaluation by a licensed Cognitive-Behavioral therapist or other qualified mental health professional. Some individuals may benefit from medication, and may therefore require a psychiatric evaluation. Likewise, a psychiatric assessment may be necessary to differentiate between Panic Disorder and other psychological conditions. If an evaluation is indicated, the OCD Center of Los Angeles can refer you to a qualified psychiatrist in our area. Furthermore, it is imperative to make the distinction between Panic Disorder and other medical conditions. For this reason, a medical examination may be a necessary part of Panic Disorder treatment.


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