Serving the community since 1999

Specializing in OCD and related conditions

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Author: OCD Center of Los Angeles

Binge Eating Disorder / Compulsive Overeating and Its Treatment

Binge Eating Disorder, also known as ‘”compulsive overeating”, can perhaps best be described as a condition in which one periodically consumes extremely large amounts of food. Kimberley Quinlan, MFT, Clinical Director of the OCD Center of Los Angeles, discusses Binge Eating Disorder and its treatment with Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT).

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Memory Hoarding in Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD)

Many people with OCD engage in ‘memory hoarding’, a mental compulsion to over-attend to the details of an event, person, or object. Memory hoarding is done with the belief that the event, person, or object carries a special significance, and may be important to recall exactly as-is at a later date.

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OCD and the Law – Part 3

An Australian pro boxer assaults a 70-year old man on a ferry boat and claims his OCD made him do it. Last of a three part series on OCD and the law.

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OCD Center of Los Angeles