Thought-Action Fusion is a frequent problem for those with OCD. This issue is discussed by Laura Yocum, MFT, of the OCD Center of Los Angeles.
Category: Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD)
OCD, Anxiety, and Resistance
Resistance and acceptance in OCD and related disorders is discussed by the OCD Center of Los Angeles.
Harm OCD Treatment: Cognitive Restructuring
Harm OCD is often misunderstood, but it can be effectively treated using an integrated treatment plan that includes Cognitive Restructuring. Part three of our ongoing series that explores “Harm OCD” and its treatment .
OCD & Anxiety: Five Common Roadblocks to Treatment
Learn the five common mistakes that interfere with successful treatment of OCD and anxiety. By Kimberley Quinlan, MFT, Clinical Director of the OCD Center of Los Angeles.
Harm OCD Treatment: Mindfulness Based CBT
Harm OCD is an often misunderstood condition that can be effectively treated using Mindfulness integrated with CBT. Part two of a multi-part series from the OCD Center of Los Angeles.
Harm OCD: Symptoms and Treatment
This is the first installment in a series of articles in which The OCD Center of Los Angeles demystifies both the symptoms and the treatment of Harm OCD.
Casey Anthony, Reasonable Doubt, and OCD
Harm OCD and ‘reasonable doubt’ are discussed in relation to the Casey Anthony murder trial. From the OCD Center of Los Angeles.unbearable.
HOCD / Gay OCD: Challenges to Treatment
Common challenges seen in the treatment of HOCD / Gay OCD are discussed by the OCD Center of Los Angeles. Part four of a four-part series.
Orthorexia: Where Eating Disorders Meet OCD
Orthorexia is an eating disorder in which people obsess about eating only “pure” and “healthy” foods. By Kimberley Quinlan, MFT, of the OCD Center of Los Angeles.
Thought Suppression and OCD
Thought suppression is a common feature of OCD, especially for those with Pure Obsessional OCD (sometimes called “Pure O”).