Dermatillomania / Skin Picking Disorder Treatment
In our previous article on Skin Picking Disorder (also known as Dermatillomania or Excoriation), we wrote about a classification system for skin picking. Let’s review “The ABC’s of Skin Picking”:
An “A” is something that almost anyone would pick. This could be a piece of dry skin hanging off your arm, a pus-filled whitehead on your chin that pops at your mere touch, or a scab that’s barely hanging on which you can easily detach.
A “B” is a “bump”, pimple, scab, etc. that only a skin picker would pick, frequently causing it to bleed, ooze, scab, and possibly become infected. This in turn will cause two additional problems – it will cause the picker significant distress, and it will give him or her something new to pick at later. In our experience, clients with Dermatillomania classify at least 50% of their picking as “B’s”. (more…)