OCD Center of Los Angeles

Serving the community since 1999

In-Person and Online Therapy
Individual & Group Therapy

Mindfulness-Based Response Prevention for OCD and Anxiety

Chris Cincotta, LMFT, of the OCD Center of Los Angeles, discusses how to implement an effective mindfulness-based response prevention approach for the treatment of OCD and anxiety, and how to prevent mindfulness from becoming just another compulsion

Response Prevention for OCD and Anxiety-300
Mindfulness-Based Response Prevention is a
valuable approach in managing OCD and anxiety.

A martial arts student went to his teacher and said earnestly, “I am devoted to studying your martial system. How long will it take me to master it?” The teacher’s reply was casual, “Ten years.” Impatiently, the student answered, “But I want to master it faster than that. I will work very hard. I will practice every day, ten or more hours a day if I have to. How long will it take then?” The teacher thought for a moment, “20 years.”

~A Zen Story

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) takes away your confidence in your beliefs, and completely turns you on your head; breaking your trust in others, and most of all, trust in yourself. Trust can be regained through treatment. It is not a mystery how to treat OCD. The gold standard of treatment for OCD is Exposure and Response Prevention (ERP). The two dominant theories pertaining to the understanding and treatment of ERP for OCD are Emotional Processing Theory (EPT) and Inhibitory Learning (IL). Treatment should be clear and understandable. This article focuses on how to stop doing compulsions – the “RP” in ERP. A simple mindfulness-based response prevention approach will help you move away from your mental and physical compulsions, thus leading to successful OCD treatment, and ultimately moving you towards what you value in your life and living the life you want to live.


2021 Online OCD Conference

OCD Center of Los Angeles - 2021 Online OCD Conference
OCD Center of Los Angeles therapists Kelley Franke, Lauren McMeikan Rosen, Elena Fasan, and Mary Sponaugle.

We are happy to announce that four staff therapists from the OCD Center of Los Angeles will be giving presentations at the upcoming Online OCD Conference being offered by the International OCD Foundation (IOCDF).

This year’s Online OCD Conference is being held Friday, October 8, 2021 through Sunday, October 10, 2021. The conference will feature 70 presentations and 36 discussion groups on OCD and related conditions.

Three of this year’s presentations will feature OCD Center of Los Angeles staff therapists, including:

What To Do When Obsessions Overlap With Genuine Interests
Kelley Franke, LMFT, Lauren McMeikan Rosen, LMFT, and Kevin Foss, LMFT
Friday, October 8, 2021 11:00 am to 12:15 pm (Eastern time)

Navigating OCD In the World of 12 Step SUD Recovery
Lauren McMeikan Rosen, LMFT and Stacey Conroy, LICSW
Sunday, October 10, 2021 12:45 pm to 2:00 pm (Eastern time)

Thinking the Unthinkable: Living with Stigma and Shame-filled Obsessions
Kelley Franke, LMFT, Lauren McMeikan Rosen, LMFT, Elena Fasan, LCSW, and Mary Sponaugle, LMFT
Sunday, October 10, 2021 2:30 pm to 3:45 pm (Eastern time)


Trichotillomania: My Journey to Treatment and Recovery

Trichotillomania and its treatment
Trichotillomania (Hair Pulling Disorder) can be effectively
treated with Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT).

“This time, I will stop doing it for real”, I would tell myself time and time again, as I convinced myself that some new strategy I came up with was going to get me to stop pulling out my eyelashes. I believed I had come up with a genius plan after I scheduled an appointment to get eyelash extensions, a lengthy process that consisted of a professional gluing individual pieces of hair onto my existing eyelashes to create fuller, longer lashes. I had always wished that I had more eyelashes, and I thought that if I spent my hard-earned money on lashes that I love, I obviously wouldn’t pull them out, right?


Sadly, I repeated this mistake more than once. Despite my perfect consistency, I always found myself saying “next time will be different” as I convinced myself that if I lost enough money, the punishment would deter me from pulling out my eyelashes ever again. Many lost eyelashes later, I reached a point where I finally realized that no amount of punishment, reward, or compliments on my appearance would magically reverse my hair pulling.

My desire to have long, beautiful eyelashes was no competition for the satisfying relief I felt each time a hair came out. With each hair I pulled, I felt I was removing a massive amount of anxiety from my body as I released the hair into the world, flying away from me. Of course, this relief was short-lived, and usually left me feeling ashamed and embarrassed to face the world. Unfortunately, whenever an irresistible urge crept up on me, I never cared about the emotional and physical consequences until after it was too late.


How Learning to Live with COVID-19 Can Help Kids Manage OCD

Elena Fasan, LCSW, of the OCD Center of Los Angeles discusses how parents can teach their children concrete skills to navigate the COVID-19 pandemic, and how these same skills offer the added benefit of helping kids to cope more effectively with OCD.

Skills for managing COVID-19 and OCD
Skills used in coping with COVID-19 can also
help kids to manage OCD more effectively.

In so many ways, COVID-19 reminds me of OCD. The virus is an invisible enemy that triggers anxiety, much like OCD. Dread lurks beneath the anxiety. This underlying dread, an intense feeling that something terrible will happen, is the crux of OCD. Regardless of the content of the intrusive thoughts, those diagnosed with OCD fear a disaster is waiting to occur if they do not mitigate danger by excessively engaging in ritualistic behaviors, known as compulsions. OCD leads one to over-think, to be extra careful, and to be hyper responsible and hyper vigilant, as does the threat of COVID-19. OCD disrupts one’s life, well being, feeling of safety, and daily routine. So does COVID-19. Engaging in OCD compulsions sucks up time, energy, and attention. The same can be said of COVID-19. Experiencing OCD symptoms can be isolating. COVID-19 safety guidelines, including stay at home orders, wearing a mask in public, and social distancing are also isolating. As of yet, there is no cure for COVID, nor is there currently a cure for OCD. Whether one’s anxiety is caused by OCD, by COVID-19, or by both, a panoply of triggers await when venturing out into the world, away from the safe cocoon of one’s controlled home environment.


When OCD Comes Between Us: Relationship OCD and Recovery

When OCD Comes Between us: Relationship OCD and Recovery
Laura Yocum, Lauren McMeikan, and Kelley Franke of the OCD Center of Los Angeles discuss Relationship OCD
(ROCD) at the Online OCD Conference on August 2, 2020.

The OCD Center of Los Angeles is happy to announce that three of our staff therapists will be presenting a panel discussion at the upcoming Online OCD Conference being offered by the International OCD Foundation (IOCDF).

Our panel discussion is titled “When OCD Comes Between Us: Relationship OCD and Recovery”, and will take place on the internet at the following time:

Sunday, August 2, 2020

11:00 am – 12:15 pm Eastern time
(8:00 am – 9:15 am Pacific time)

The panelists for this exciting program are:

  • Laura Yocum, LMFT
  • Lauren McMeikan, LMFT
  • Kelley Franke, AMFT


Q&A: Online Therapy for OCD, Anxiety and Related Conditions

An interview with Tom Corboy, MFT, of the OCD Center of Los Angeles, about online, webcam-based therapy for the treatment of OCD, anxiety, and related conditions.

Online therapy for OCD and anxiety
Online Therapy is an effective and convenient option
for the treatment of OCD, anxiety & related conditions

What is online therapy and how is it done?

Online therapy is just therapy conducted over the internet via webcam. It is exactly the same as face-to-face treatment that occurs in a therapist’s office, with the only significant difference being that the therapy occurs over the internet.

Our online treatment program focuses on Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (CBT), which has consistently and repeatedly been found by researchers to be the most effective treatment for all forms of OCD and for most related conditions.

CBT is particularly well-suited to being conducted online because it uses a structured treatment protocol that is easily adapted to online treatment. Our program uses two structured treatment manuals that every client receives, and which are central to therapy. Conversely, psychoanalysis and other forms of traditional talk therapy focus on largely unstructured treatment approaches that are not conducive to online treatment.

Besides OCD, what other conditions does the OCD Center treat with online therapy?

We treat a number of conditions that are related to, or similar to OCD. These conditions have obsessive-compulsive qualities that are quite similar to OCD, and are frequently described as Obsessive-Compulsive Spectrum Disorders. Some of the other conditions we treat include Phobias, Social Anxiety, Health Anxiety, and Body Focused Repetitive Behaviors (BFRBs) such as Dermatillomania (compulsive skin picking) and Trichotillomania (compulsive Hair pulling).

Is online CBT effective for OCD and these other conditions?

There have been scores of studies on online therapy, and they have consistently found this approach to treatment to be just as effective as in-person treatment. One study even found online treatment to be more effective, mostly because the treatment was viewed by study participants as being easier to access than in-person treatment, and so they were less likely to discontinue treatment.


Making Peace with Uncertainty: Living in the Midst of a Pandemic

How can we use what we know about uncertainty and anxiety to support those who find themselves understandably anxious about COVID-19 and all of the fallout surrounding it?

Making Peace With Uncertainty-Living Amidst a Pandemic
We can’t eliminate uncertainty, but we can
learn to relate to it in a more productive manner.

I cannot count how many times over the last few weeks I have either said or heard the phrase “These are unprecedented times” – and they are. Granted I’ve only spent 34 years on this globe, but in that time my government has never before instructed me to limit time outside of my home or weighed in at all with regard to my proximity to strangers. I’ve never purposefully distanced myself from my parents over concerns for their safety. I’ve never seen so many empty shelves in stores, and if you’d told me on New Year’s Day I’d be wearing a mask on a routine shopping trip, I would have been perplexed to say the least. We each have our own lists of news and firsts, ranging from the strange to the devastating. This novel coronavirus brings with it a great many novel experiences.

What seems to be at the forefront during this strange moment are predictions. Some of these predictions are necessary – how many people will be infected and will we have hospital space to care for them all? How can we prevent the spread of this disease? How many jobs have been, and will continue to be, impacted? How can we support those who are without income?

We have some ideas and some answers, all of which are important as we attempt to save lives, maintain our medical system and support those who’ve lost income. All this said, the common thread that binds us all in this uncharted territory is uncertainty. We can’t know the answers. As each day unfolds it is increasingly clear just how uncertain the world is.


My Journey to Becoming an OCD Specialist

Debra Dalton Stein, MFT, of the OCD Center of Los Angeles describes her journey as a psychotherapist from working primarily with eating disorders, to becoming an OCD specialist.

Debra Dalton Stein, MFT, of the Santa Barbara branch of the OCD Center of Los Angeles
Debra Dalton Stein, MFT, of the Santa Barbara
branch of the OCD Center of Los Angeles

One of the greatest barriers to effective therapy for Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) is the lack of mental health treatment providers trained in the treatment of this condition. Most graduate school programs provide a broad overview of the counseling process, without offering much in the way of specialized training for specific conditions such as OCD. As a result, most psychotherapists have a limited understanding of OCD and its appropriate treatment.

Prior to 2013, like so many other therapists, I didn’t know a lot about OCD or its treatment. I was aware that people with OCD had compulsions such as excessive hand washing, and checking doors and stove knobs, but that was about it. Up until that point, I had spent much of my career – over 20 years – working at various treatment programs that focused on other diagnoses, and specializing in the treatment of eating disorders in my private practice. I’d had an eating disorder myself in my 20s, and like all eating disorders, it was a nightmare. And just like so many people struggling with OCD, I found it extremely difficult to find appropriate help (that is, once I finally gave up trying to do it myself). (more…)

OCD vs. GAD and How to Tell the Difference

OCD and GAD both thrive on our
over-attention to unwanted thoughts.

People struggling with Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) are often misdiagnosed as having other psychological conditions. One of the most common misdiagnoses for this population is Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD). This diagnostic problem arises for two reasons. First, the distinction between OCD and GAD is somewhat vague. And second, many treatment providers have only a limited understanding of the varying ways in which OCD can manifest. While this issue may seem like an esoteric concern to some, making a proper diagnosis is important for those struggling with either condition, as the primary treatment for OCD is different than the treatment for GAD.


Pure O 101

Everybody experiences unwanted thoughts from time to time, but people with Pure Obsessional OCD (aka, “Pure O”) often feel completely overwhelmed by intrusive, distressing thoughts. Tom Corboy, MFT of the OCD Center of Los Angeles discusses Pure O and its many permutations.

Pure O
People with Pure O struggle with a seemingly
endless litany of unwanted thoughts.

When most people think of OCD (if they think of OCD at all), they think of obvious compulsive behaviors such as repeated hand washing or door checking. This is likely because they have seen television news reports about OCD that focus on these sorts of overt compulsive behaviors. Or perhaps they’ve seen films like The Aviator or As Good As It Gets or Matchstick Men that showcase characters doing these or similar compulsive behaviors.

But these obvious compulsions are really just the tip of the OCD iceberg. Many people with OCD exhibit few, if any, of these outwardly observable compulsions. Based on my 25 years of experience specializing in the treatment of OCD, I posit that the great majority of people with this condition actually struggle with what is colloquially known as Pure Obsessional OCD, or “Pure O”, in which their behavioral symptoms are more subtle, and often unrecognized as “compulsions” by anyone, including themselves. In fact, the great majority of calls we receive at the OCD Center of Los Angeles are from people who are struggling with Pure O. Which begs the question…just what exactly is Pure O?  (more…)

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    1 Comment
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    1 Comment
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  • Body Dysmorphic Disorder (BDD) and Cosmetic Surgery
    Many with Body Dysmorphic Disorder turn to cosmetic surgery in an attempt to alleviate their insecurities. Unfortunately, there are plenty of cosmetic surgeons who are more than willing to cash in on those with this serious psychiatric condition. […]
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  • OCD & Anxiety: The Year 2009 in Review
    OCD and anxiety were in the news throughout 2009. Here are our votes for the top stories of the year about OCD and related anxiety based conditions. […]
  • Bizarre, Disturbing, Weird, and Unwanted Thoughts in OCD
    Everybody has bizarre thoughts. But people with OCD respond differently to these thoughts. From the OCD Center of Los Angeles. […]
  • Emetophobia treatment at the OCD Center of Los Angeles with Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT)Emetophobia and Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT)
    Emetophobia is the fear of vomit and/or vomiting. Tom Corboy, MFT, Executive Director of the OCD Center of Los Angeles, discusses Emetophobia and its treatment. […]
  • OCD and Mental Checking
    People with OCD often struggle with 'mental compulsions'. The OCD Center of Los Angeles explores how to manage this sometimes baffling problem. […]
  • Cyberchondria: Health Anxiety in the 21st Century
    The twin explosions of television and the internet have spawned a sharp increase in Hypochondria, and spawned a new mental health issue - 'Cyberchondria'. […]
  • Is Compulsive Overeating OCD?
    A discussion of compulsive overeating (aka binge eating) and how it differs from OCD. From the OCD Center of Los Angeles. Serving clients internationally. […]
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  • Cy Young, Zack Greinke, and Social Anxiety
    Zack Greinke has overcome his Social Anxiety to become a superstar in major league baseball. […]
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  • Exposure Therapy for OCD and AnxietyExposure Therapy for OCD and Anxiety
    Exposure therapy for OCD and other anxiety conditions is discussed by Tom Corboy, MFT, of the OCD Center of Los Angeles. […]
  • Social Anxiety Research
    Recent Social Anxiety research is discussed by Tom Corboy, MFT, executive director of the CD Center of Los Angeles. […]
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  • OCD Awareness Week
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  • CBT and Evidence Based Psychotherapy
    Unfortunately, many psychotherapists dismiss evidence-based treatments such as CBT, instead choosing to do what feels comfortable for them. […]
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  • OCD, Mental Health, and the National Health Care Debate
    A look at the national health care debate, especially as it pertains to OCD and related anxiety based conditions. […]
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  • Childhood OCD, Strep Infections, and PANDAS
    There is a growing body of research that indicates strep infections are related to rapid-onset OCD in children. […]
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  • OCD and the Swine Flu – Part 2
    Panic about the Swine Flu continues, despite facts that suggest there is no cause for increased concern. […]
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  • 2009 Obsessive-Compulsive Foundation Conference
    A review of the 2009 Obsessive Compulsive Foundation conference. […]
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  • New Trichotillomania Research
    A look at recent research related to Trichotillomania. From the OCD Center of Los Angeles. […]
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  • Parenting a Child With OCD
    Parenting any child is a full-time job. But parenting a child with OCD can be particularly challenging. From the OCD Center of Los Angeles. […]
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  • Social Anxiety in Baseball
    A look at the recent rash of pro baseball players struggling with Social Anxiety Disorder. […]
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  • Michael Jackson and Body Dysmorphic Disorder (BDD)
    A look at the sad tale of Michael Jackson and his mental health issues. […]
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  • OCD and the Swine Flu
    The past few months have seen an avalanche of news stories on the Swine Flu, despite its relatively low impact in the US. […]
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  • Meet the OCD Center of Los Angeles Staff
    Meet the OCD Center of Los Angeles Staff […]
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  • Welcome to the OCD Center of Los Angeles Blog
    Welcome to the OCD Center of Los Angeles Blog […]
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